Just give me an opportunity. I'm smart enough, Im intelligent enough to walk in the door, if that door is opened. But when the door is shut for anyone, there is no longer an opportunity to fail or succeed. Just give me an opportunity and let me determine my own destiny.

As a human woman, as a foreigner, I didn't come to America for equal opportunity. I came to this country and swore allegiance to the United States of America the land of opportunity. I took a chance, and am still taking a chance every single day I take every opportunity that I can manage to grab a hold of. Some are winning engagements but most are losing events and failures. But I get up the next day and go at it again.



Countdown to Bitcoin Block Party in Dallas: Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon